Project Claims Management
Help Your Company Resolve Project Claims Equitably and Efficiently
(Without Losing Focus on Your Core Business of Successfully Executing Projects)
As a project manager, commercial manager, or project controls professional, have you ever been on a project where things didn’t go as per the plan, and you ended up firefighting, trying to cut losses, and submitting claims to recover? If not, you most probably will!
As you know, in the course of most projects, project delays, variations, and additional work occur, which may lead to claims.
Claims arise when a party to a contract asserts its rights against another for damages. Damages might include money, time, or other compensation.
Inevitably, stakeholders will have differing viewpoints on how delays, disruptions, and other problems arose, who bears responsibility, and how to quantify the resulting damages.
Some stakeholders aren’t aware of their contractual rights and whether they are entitled to claim. Often contractors aren’t granted all the time or money they are entitled to, and frequently many project variations claims may end in lengthy and expensive disputes.
The reality is that not all project claims would be settled. Claims can be rejected, and those rejected claims are a waste of time and effort.
Companies can lose millions of dollars in claims and dispute resolutions.
So how do you manage the project claims when they arise and save your company time and money from expensive litigation and arbitration?
Avoid expensive litigation and arbitration and save your company time and money through effective project claims management.
Did You Know...
Do you know how to:
☄️ Identify events that may give rise to claims
☄️ Create and maintain appropriate records in preparation for claims
☄️ Assess, analyze, and evaluate claims
☄️ Present elements required to support or defend claims
☄️ Negotiate claims
☄️ Resolve claims promptly in a fair and reasonable manner and avoid expensive litigation and arbitration
If your answer to any of these questions is NO, you are not alone.
Despite the importance of Claims Management in projects, many project professionals are not ready to tackle and resolve claims.
Project teams usually struggle with resolving project claims and disputes. They don’t know how to apply established methodologies to analyze claims.
Managers cannot close dispute issues because the available information is incomplete and inaccurate.
The project team often has difficulty presenting a clear picture to an independent tribunal—dispute review board, mediator, arbitration panel, or court.
As a result, project relationships break down due to disputes, and the successful execution of the project is derailed. Furthermore, a lot of time and money is spent on dispute resolution, which may lead to litigation and arbitration.
Don’t let your projects suffer losses due to inadequate project claims management.
When you know how to effectively manage claims on your project, your company will, no doubt, classify you as a "High Caliber Performer."
Here Is What You Might NOT Know
Claim Management is an inevitable process in Project Management to reach the desired results.
Effective Claims Management enables you to have early settlement of issues between parties. It’s always cheaper and leads to win/win results.
But why many project professionals and team members struggle in dealing with a claim in their projects?
Because they might think …
❌ Experts can only resolve claims
❌ Claims on complex projects are unavoidable and inevitably lead to arbitration or litigation
❌ The skills necessary to support claims resolution can only be learned through direct experience
Here is probably what you might not know about Projects Claims Management:
1. Claim resolution is NOT limited to EXPERTS
Claims resolution is not limited to only experts. Everyone in the project, including YOU, can play a role in helping to prevent and resolve claims and disputes.
2. Claims on complex projects are AVOIDABLE
Many believe that claims on complex projects are unavoidable and inevitably lead to arbitration or litigation. However, most project problems that could be viewed as claims can be resolved through the contractual change order process using some of the same tools applied for analyzing claims in formal tribunals.
Avoiding lengthy disputes should be a goal for all parties when an equitable resolution can be directly negotiated.
3. The skills necessary to support claims resolution are LEARNABLE
Direct experience is a crucial component of learning. However, it would be foolish to limit opportunities to learn only to the contracts on which you work directly.
One person can only gain so much direct experience. That direct experience must be supplemented by reading, evaluation of the work of others, participation in professional organizations, and educational opportunities to achieve true expertise.
Every project can and will benefit from effective Claims Management.
And YOU can be the ONE who enables early settlement of issues between parties, leading to win-win results.
What If You Could

✅ Assess, analyze, and evaluate the project claims with confidence
✅ Streamline the claims process for your projects
✅ Help in settling project claims promptly in a fair and reasonable manner
✅ Defend or negotiate project claims
✅ Resolve project claims disputes and save your company from expensive and lengthy litigation and arbitration
✅ Become an asset to any claims management team
Every company, especially those engaged in executing complex engineering and construction projects, needs skilled practitioners that can correctly apply tested methods to resolve disputes efficiently and equitably.
And you can be the ONE who can fight back and gain control of your project claims.
Let us show you how….
A Practical Online Training on the Project Claims Management Best Practices
Project Claims Management
Get Equipped with Best Practices and Strategies to
Successfully Manage Project Claims
The good news is that we have developed practical online training on project claims management.
This course will present the life cycle of a claim from initiation to resolution or closure.
The course will introduce you to the principal elements of claims—cause, responsibility, and quantum. You will learn how cost and time impacts are quantified and how you can participate in claim presentation, review, negotiation, and various dispute resolution forums.
Furthermore, you’ll get equipped with best practices and strategies to successfully manage project claims.
The principles shared in this training will allow any project professional with little or no experience in project claims management to participate in the preparation, analysis, and resolution of claims from either an affirmative or defense perspective.

As you go through the training, the course instructor will be available at every stage to answer your questions and suggest solutions to problems.
The course will equip you with best practices and strategies to successfully manage project claims.
Course Outline & Agenda
The Project Claims Management online training course spans over 10 sessions, which take about 2-3 weeks to complete.
Each course module will introduce you to the claims management process, from claims initiation to claims negation and resolution.
The course ends by providing you with a practical case study exercise, enabling you to apply the concepts presented in the course to select the best answer for a set of claims management challenge questions.
The course sessions are delivered online via our private and secure learning management system (LMS).
You can start the course right away as soon as you enroll. You have access to the entire course material and instructor support for one year and can take the course at your pace.
Here is the course outline and what is covered in each module of the program
Module 1
Principal Claim Elements
To recover for a claim, the claimant typically carries the burden of proving causation, entitlement, and quantum.
✅ Understand how forum rules affect the burden of proof required
✅ Understand how to structure a claim and meet the burden of proof
✅ Prepare for counter-narratives and defenses
Module 2
Direct vs. Indirect Costs
This module summarizes the costs that are most likely to be affected by time, costs most likely to be affected by performance conditions, and the relationships between the two.
✅ Understand project cost accounting for direct and indirect costs
✅ Relate increased direct costs to increased indirect costs
✅ Be able to establish clear relationships between causes, impacts, and costs
Module 3
Contract Risk Allocation Baseline
This module provides best practices for establishing and leveraging integrated project control systems and CPM scheduling processes to quantify time impacts.
✅ Prepare, maintain, and use a high-quality execution schedule
✅ Prepare and present a prospective time impact analysis
✅ Transition from prospective analysis to retrospective analysis
✅ Understand voluntary, directed, and constructive acceleration
Module 4
Quantification of Performance Condition Impacts
This module presents the most common approaches to quantifying lost productivity and maintaining the data necessary to facilitate quantification.
✅ Understand the elements needed to best establish productivity losses
✅ Present an effective measured mile analysis
✅ Understand possible analysis approaches for situations in which data are inaccurate and/or incomplete
Module 5
Quantification of Scope Impacts
This module reviews practices for documenting the impacts and costs of extra work not resolved through change orders.
✅ Account for direct and indirect costs compensated through change orders
✅ Capture productivity impacts associated with change orders
✅ Understand indirect costs associated with delay v. change order markups
✅ Capture impacts to unchanged work
Module 6
Payment and Termination Disputes
This module discusses contract disputes related to payment, termination, and other potential breaches of administrative requirements not directly associated with work performance.
✅ Understand issues related to notices of default and notices to cure
✅ Consider issues related to suspensions of work
✅ Understand terminations for cause and terminations for convenience
Module 7
Claim Presentation and Review
This module presents the affirmative preparation of claims and the review of claims, whether for defense or pass-through to a client.
✅ Clearly present and support the required claim elements—entitlement, causation, and quantum
✅ Review and revise claim elements related to both prime contractor and subcontractor costs
✅ Prepare and present claim deliverables
Module 8
Claim Negotiation Support
This module provides guidance on the dynamic support of party negotiations to facilitate claim resolution.
✅ Establish a principled position from which to begin negotiations
✅ Understand the strengths and weaknesses of the elements of a claim
✅ Support commercial negotiations with data and dynamic calculations
Module 9
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Mediation and arbitration may present unique presentation requirements and opportunities for dynamic support of claim resolution.
✅ Understand typical ground rules for mediation
✅ Consider the rigidity and risks in more formal tribunals
✅ Maintain integrity and credibility in the claims resolution process
Module 10
Case Study & Case Study Resolution
This module presents a contract scenario that includes a significant claim. Participants are asked to apply the concepts presented in the course to select the best answer for a set of challenge questions based on the case study.
✅ Test application of the concepts in a challenging scenario in which the positions of two opposing parties each have merit
✅ Consider how you would handle a complex claim scenario in real-time
✅ Calculate several elements of the claim, including delay and lost productivity
How Does It Work?
To access the training, all you need is a high-speed Internet connection via Google Chrome, Safari, or Internet Explorer 9 or newer. You also need a login ID & Passcode to our private and secure learning management system (LMS), which is provided via email once you enroll.
The LMS platform we use is accessible via desktop computer, laptop, as well as mobile devices such as iPhone, iPad, Tablets, etc.
As soon as you enroll, you’ll get access to the first week of the program and can start immediately.
You can either follow the program according to the weekly content and finish the course within 2-3 weeks or take it at your pace. You’ll have access to the course material for one year after your enrollment. You can refer back to the course videos and material at any time. You'll also have access to the instructor via the course LMS for one year to get guidance and support and answer your questions.
We won’t leave you alone in your learning journey with us and will be there to support you during your one-year course access and beyond.
What You’ll Gain Upon the Completion of the Course
This course aims to equip you with best practices and strategies in claims management, so you can identify events that may give rise to claims, participate in claims management, create and maintain appropriate records, and support the elements necessary for claim recovery and resolution.
To be more specific, below are some of the expected learning outcomes that you’ll gain upon the completion of this course:
📈 Gain an understanding of the basic elements of a claim—entitlement, causation, and quantum-, so you can prove a claim
📈 Understand how to structure a claim and prepare for counter-narratives and defenses
📈 Get equipped with best practices and strategies to evaluate and quantify claims (cost impacts, time impacts, performance condition impacts, and scope impacts)
📈 Know how to deal with contract disputes related to payment, termination, and other potential breaches of administrative requirements not directly associated with the performance of work
📈 Know how to assess, analyze, and evaluate contractor & sub-contractor claims
📈 Learn how you can best prepare, present, and support the required claim elements—entitlement, causation, and quantum
📈 Get guidance on how to negotiate claims and facilitate claim resolution
📈 Learn to use alternative dispute resolution processes to resolve claims disputes
At a larger scale, you will be able to:
📈 Help your projects and company save time and money in resolving claims promptly to avoid expensive litigation and arbitration
📈 Provide options to management on how to best deal with contracts claims
📈 Analyze and strategize on the best approaches to handle disputes resulting from claims
Upon the successful completion of the training, you will also receive an official certificate of completion and 10 Professional Development Units (10 PDUs or 1 CEU) that you can claim towards your professional accreditations.
What Is UNIQUE About This Training?
There are several key points about this project claims management training that makes this program unique:
➡️ A practical training on Project Claims Management, drawn from 25+ years of the instructor’s experience in resolving project claims in various sizes and industry sectors.
This training provides a fast-paced overview of claims fundamentals with specific examples that demonstrate how to apply the concepts. You can immediately apply the concepts in the course to your current project. Each example and exercise brought in the course can be adapted or expanded for your own projects.
➡️ Provides you with a structured overview of the claims lifecycle (from claims initiation to resolution).
Many courses dive deeply into one topic, such as delay claims or productivity claims. This course covers the full life cycle of a project claim, from claims initiation to claims resolution. You’ll get a holistic view of the Project Claims Management process.
➡️ Equips you with proven strategies and best practices in managing project claims.
This course is aligned with the industry's best practices in project claims management and equips you with the claims management strategies that work. The instructor, Mark Sanders, transfers the knowledge he gained over 25+ years in managing small to large-scale projects in different industries, including electric utility, fossil, nuclear, renewable generation, oil and gas, and transportation. You’ll learn his proven methods and techniques on what works and how you can manage claims effectively.
Furthermore, he has been active in the development of best practices. He has worked with AACE, ASCE, EPRI, and PMI to publish those practices. You’ll get first-hand insights from the instructor who participated in developing the recommended practices.
➡️ Applicable to any project professional at many points in their career
Regardless of where you are in your project management career, you will benefit from this training. The course provides a structured overview of the lifecycle of a project claim, and there are many roles that you can fill in helping to prevent and resolve claims.
➡️ Provides support
You can ask the instructor any relevant question during your course access for one full year! Furthermore, you will get new training material and resources on a weekly basis to ensure your continuous learning.
➡️ Provides an official certificate of completion and 10 Professional Development Units (10 PDUs or 1 CEU).
➡️ The most reasonable price for the course, according to the market research analysis of other courses in the market. You will get the most value for the money invested
Who Is This Training For?
This training is for you if…
✅ You are a Project Professional who is keen on learning the best practices and proven strategies on claims management, so you can help in resolving project claims disputes and saving your company from expensive and lengthy litigation and arbitration
✅ You are a Project Manager who wants to be prepared to claim costs and time extensions when due and equitably resolve claims from subcontractors
✅ You are from a Contractor/ EPC team who wants to recover costs and time extensions to which you are entitled under the contracts
✅ You are from an Owner/ Client team who wants to resolve legitimate claims for time extensions and additional compensation while being prepared to defend against claims lacking merit
✅ You are a Project Planner/ Scheduler who is trying to understand how to prevent claims through the use of good planning and scheduling practices and understand delay analysis claims
✅ You are a Cost Controller who is interested in learning how cost systems can be better designed and maintained to support the identification and compilation of claim costs
Who Is This Training NOT For?
This training is NOT for those who….
❌ Don’t intend to participate in or support contract management activities in your projects
❌ Have no background in the execution of engineering and construction projects
❌ Lack a general understanding of contract management
Are There Any Pre-Requisites to This Course?
This course is intended for any project professional keen on learning the proven strategies and best practices in managing and resolving project claims.
You should have an understanding of contract management processes on engineering and construction projects, including familiarity with project controls processes and various commercial contracting arrangements to best understand the course material.
Is Any Software Required for The Course Case Study?
No specific software is required for going through the course or its final course case study exercise.
This Training Comes with Awesome Benefits and Bonuses that You Cannot Miss!

24/7 Access for 12 Months
Study at your own pace, whatever time of night or day it happens to be or wherever in the world you might be. You will have full access to the course sessions and material for one year from the time of your registration.

Official Certificate of Completion and PDUs
Receive an official certificate of completion upon successful completion of the training and claim 10 Professional Development Units (PDUs) earned toward maintaining your license(s) with professional associations.

Course Material & Supportive Documents
Get the PDF copy of the course slides as well as additional reading material and resources.

Case Study
Solve a case study that helps you better comprehend the course content

Private and Secure
Get access to all the training materials on our secure and robust learning management system using your private username and password.

Mobile Friendly
Get access to the course via computer, laptop, as well as mobile devices such as iPhone, iPad, Tablets, etc. This makes your learning more flexible & adaptable.

Access To "Ask The Instructor Forum" (Value: PRICELESS)
Get access to a private course environment for Q&As, where the instructor personally answers your questions on a weekly basis.
Depending on the number of questions on the course, we may also conduct quarterly live Q&A sessions with the instructor.

Special Alumni Discounts (Value: $150)
Receive exclusive discounts on future online training programs with Project Control Academy, as our valued client.
What Is the Tuition?
When you register today, in addition to getting exclusive 12-month access to the Project Claims Management training program, you will also get a 12-month complimentary service and bonus training. The value of the benefits and bonuses alone exceeds the course tuition!
Your investment:
Only $497
For full access to the course and its benefits & bonuses
Entities that are engaged in executing complex engineering and construction projects need skilled practitioners that can correctly apply tested methods to resolve disputes efficiently and equitably. When you know how to effectively manage claims on your project, your company will classify you as a "High Caliber Performer".
The return on this small investment will be substantial once you apply your learning and lead others to a holistic understanding of claims management. This will accelerate your career growth.
The return on investment (ROI) is definitely immeasurable.
Gain a robust understanding of project claims management process and help your company resolve project claims equitably and efficiently .
Project Claims Management
Online Training Program
✔ Online training delivered in 10 modules
✔ 12 months of access to the instructor
✔ 24/7 access to the training material for 12 months
✔ Great benefits and bonuses you don't want to miss
✔ Official certificate of completion and 10 PDUs
✔ Course material and supportive documents
✔ Private and secure learning management system

At Project Control Academy, we’re absolutely confident that you will be satisfied with our Project Claims Management course or your money back. If after taking the training, you don’t feel 100% satisfied with the content or quality for ANY reason, then within 15 days of your purchase approach us and request your money back. We’ll fully refund your payment. This means that you can try this course for 15-days completely risk-free. That’s how confident we are you’ll be happy with this training. We will NOT waste your time.
Instructor’s Journey in Mastering Project Claims Management

Mark Sanders, P.E.
Director of Projects, Alpha 3 Consulting
Claims are something I've gotten involved in projects relatively early on. Since early 2000, I've worked on claims as a consultant and on my active projects. I've worked extensively as a claim consultant in the United States and internationally.
I always look for good project execution strategies to prevent claims in the first place. However, in projects with claims, I work to help parties resolve their differences, either through negotiation or where it comes to expert testimony in arbitration and court proceedings.
It’s not always enjoyable to have a big dispute, but it is fulfilling to help resolve those disputes. So, claims management is certainly a part of my career that I've always enjoyed, and I'm happy to share those experiences and best practices I've acquired over time with you in this short training course.
Register now to discover how you can employ a systematic process for managing project claims
One Payment of
$497 USD
For the full access to the course modules and its benefits & bonuses
Founder & Technical Director, Project Control Academy
This training equips you with best practices and strategies that help you manage and resolve project claims. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn from one of the industry's thought leaders.
You can stand out among your peers and add value to your projects by gaining a holistic view of the project claims management process and applying strategies that actually work.
And we are here to support you in getting there!