Leadership Soup for Excellence

Get Your Passport to Leadership Mastery

Believe it or not, many project professionals do not have a future-proof plan in place. They are concerned about their future, the increasing complexity of their projects, and rising expectations of employers and clients. They want to figure out how they can stay competent, boost their influence, and thrive in this highly competitive working environment.

Many technical professionals try to deepen their expertise. They spend time and energy to figure out how they can perfect their technical skills. Although this might help, it may not save you from layoffs over the course of this decade if you focus only on expanding your technical skills.

Companies are interested in keeping the employees that are engaged with their path forward. More than technical skills, they want employees who combine their technical expertise with non-technical aspects of completing projects and doing business.

Are you ready to dramatically increase your influence?

Over the course of this new decade, as a project professional you should aim for maximizing your influence so you can not only thrive in your projects but also your career.

If you really want to boost your influence dramatically, you must think and act like a leader. You must think and act like a player. Leadership is not limited to those who have people reporting to them. Leadership can be done and must be done at individual level.

Leaders lead the way. They take full ownership. They initiate and lead by example. They become the change they want to see in their projects and companies. Over the course of this new decade, companies are seeking leaders more than ever. They look for those who can persuade and take ownership with honesty and passion.

If you have been sitting in the passenger seat, it’s time to move to the driver’s seat and take control. Be in charge of your success. Be in charge of the results you provide. Initiate something that you believe can help your project, team, company succeed. Don’t wait for others. It’s YOUR time to lead!

Is it possible?

Many of us think that we cannot be great leaders. We believe that effective leaders must be people with extraordinary ability. If that is the way you think, you'd better change your mindset. It is possible to be a wonderful leader no matter what you title is.

But in this fast paced world that demands continuous commitment to change, you need simple and practical leadership & success tools and strategies that you and your team can implement right away. This way you can not only resolve the issues that you are currently facing but also ignite the spark of leadership in others and inspire them to fulfill the vision and live the mission.

Introducing Leadership Soup for Excellence Training

In the Leadership Soup for Excellence Training you will be equipped with practical tools, techniques, strategies, and solutions that help you and your team achieve remarkable levels of performance and productivity. You will learn the recipe for making a perfect leadership soup for yourself and your team so that together you soar to excellence in what you do irrespective of the titles or positions. You will learn how to develop and maintain great relationships with stakeholders and make everyone engaged and committed in an authentic way. You will discover ways to promote effective communication and teamwork, boost team morale, and prevent conflicts.

"The reaction from my group after Mr.Akbarzadeh’s presentation was by far the most positive of any that I have sponsored or participated. After the seminar the group was genuinely excited and engaged, talking with, and clearly connecting with one another. Kamran is truly an inspirational and motivating presenter, with a gift of being able to connect with his audience. My team has truly benefited from the experience and I believe that Kamran can have a positive impact within any organization."

Darin Sutherland
Manager, Canada

How does it work?

This personal and professional development online training, delivered in 9 top quality modules, is the perfect opportunity for you and your team members to plug into one of the best leadership trainings and get your passport to the peak of success. As a result of taking this training you will be able to:

  • Increase your influence, motivate your team, and improve their morale
  • Build great relationships with your managers, direct & functional reports, and/or clients
  • Boost team performance and productivity
  • Tap into the power of people through empowerment and develop future leaders
  • Take your career or business to the next level
  • Connect with others quickly and effectively in simple ways
  • Get out of the 'blame game' mind set and move towards leadership greatness
  • Sustain continued growth…Yes even in these tough economic times!


Intention & Process

In this module, you realize the intention behind developing this training and learn the process that you will go through. You also learn the secrets of success in this training. The aim is to answer the question, "What outcome would I expect?"



In this module, you realize the importance of reflection and its role in your leadership development. You learn how to reflect back and answer the question, "Where am I and how far have I come?" You also discover how to shatter your limiting beliefs and get out of the blame game mindset.


Big Picture

In this module, you understand why it is critical to zoom out and see the big picture and based on that develop your personal and professional vision. The aim is to answer the question, " How do I see the future and where do I want to be?" You learn about the success pyramid and how to polish your vision, keep it alive, and go up the pyramid of success.



In this module, you figure out why having people on the same page and aligned is a key to leadership excellence. You will discover 6 strategies for effective communication with others, learn secret to proper connection with people around you, and find out how to build strong relationship with stakeholders.



In this module, you realize why change matters and how to introduce positive change in your team to develop a highly positive team work. You discover strategies for dealing with negative influences properly and building trust among your team members. The aim is to answer the question, "How can I embrace change for the best outcome?"



In this module, you discover why people are not motivated and learn how to create enough momentum so people on your team the motivation they need accomplish their goals and fulfill the vision. You come up with strategies for motivating and empowering others. You also learn how to go beyond motivation and inspire others for long lasting success.



In this module, you learn how to boost performance, increase productivity, and grow the results you and your team get in a shorter period of time. You also learn how to improve your integrity for faster personal and professional growth. The aim is to answer the question, "How can I achieve excellence and help others do the same?"



In this module, you realize the importance of self mastery for developing leadership mastery. You learn some tools for self transformation and transforming others. You also get to think of what legacy you want to leave behind as a leader. The aim is to answer the question, "How may I transform myself and help others do the same?" 



In this module, you go through a summary of the process you went through and the strategies you can implement. You commit to implementing what you have learned and come up with an action plan to turn your knowledge acquired in this training to experience.

"In all of my interactions with Kamran, he exemplified authenticity. He has been so motivating to me in my personal and professional initiatives. I am grateful for his mentorship and friendship."

Merlyn Pulikkathara
Houston, TX

What will you learn?

This will be a profound training packed with results-oriented strategies. It is not a training that focuses on theories and external factors; it focuses on honing the leadership skills of project professionals and engineers in a simple yet practical way. The value that you get out of this training will be much bigger than the investment that you make for attending it. 

Here is what you will learn:

  • The Leadership Soup Recipe and how to make a perfect soup for yourself and your team using this recipe;
  • 4 practical tactics that help you boost their energy level so they can achieve more than ever before;
  • 5 easy steps to develop and maintain a powerful and clear vision for any project that inspires others to take action toward achieving it;
  • A simple 3-step process for providing effective feedback that creates a positive impact and leads to great results;
  • 6 great strategies you can implement today to enhance productivity and performance;
  • How to stop the blame game and move toward leadership mindset and greatness as a result;
  • 3 secrets for building relationships and gaining influence across organizational boundaries
  • 7 practical ways to empower people inside and outside your organization to help you achieve long-term success;
  • The single secret to innovation within an organization at all levels;
  • 5 ways to build trust among team members and create a corporate culture of mutual trust;
  • A powerful approach for gaining support, resources and collaboration from individuals that do not directly report to you;
  • 5 effective ways to upgrade your faith blueprint, shatter your limiting beliefs, and create breakthroughs in your personal and professional life;
  • 6 practical strategies to improve communication no matter where you are and what you do;
  • How to deal with negative influencers inside and outside your project or team;
  • 4 essential ways to highly enhance the level of teamwork and become a leader of hearts;
  • How to create lasting wealth and abundance through authentic leadership;
  • 5 things to do right after the training that take you to the next level of productivity, performance, and profit over the next 6 months

Who should take this training?

  • Project and Program Managers

  • Project Engineers

  • Project Controls Specialists
  • Engineering Managers and Discipline Leads

  • Project Team Members

  • Project Management Office personnel

  • Business stakeholders with various roles in a project and/or program

  • Engineers
  • Company Executives and Senior Management

This personal and professional development video training is a great opportunity for you and your team members to go through a unique process, take your leadership effectiveness to the next level, and get your passport to the peak of success.

What Is the Tuition?

Receive Access to All 9 Modules of This High Quality Leadership Training

PLUS Take Advantage of All the Benefits and Bonuses

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This Training Comes with Awesome Benefits and Bonuses You Cannot Miss!

Access To "Ask The Instructor Forum"

Get access to a private online forum for Q&A, where the instructor personally answers your questions on a weekly basis.

Certificate of Completion and PDUs

Receive a certificate of completion upon successful completion of the training and claim 10 Professional Development Units (PDUs).

Handbook of All the Course Material

The PDF copy of the slides will be available for download. This becomes very handy when you want to recall the topics covered and the tools and strategies provided.

24/7 Access for 12 Months

This means you can study at your own pace, whatever time of night or day it happens to be or wherever in the world you might be. You will have full access to the entire training material for one year.

Thought Provoking Worksheets

These worksheets will help you mastermind your own ideas and come up with some action steps for implementing those ideas at each stage of the process.

Bonus Material

In addition to the training videos and materials, you will get access to some bonus videos, audios, and tools that help you put yourself on the fast lane to ultimate success.

Money Back Guarantee

If you are not satisfied with the quality of the training within 15 days of your registration, you can request a refund, guaranteed!

Private and Secure

Get access to all the training materials on our secure and robust learning management system using your private username and password.

"I so appreciate how committed Kamran is about leadership and personal excellence. He is a life-long leader with a desire to impact many people. "

Dan Duckering

"I hope that through our top quality services and products at Dream Achievers Academy you become a true dream achiever soon. Remember to act now as tomorrow might be too late. The train of life does not wait for those who procrastinate on what is necessary to be done!"

Kamran Akbarzadeh
Founder of Dream Achievers Academy

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