Thank You!


Congratulations! We have booked your seat at the Project Control Summit. You have made a great decision. We look forward to seeing you and shaking your hand at the Project Control Summit. 

You will receive an email from us regarding your registration and the next steps. You will also receive your login information to access the Project Control Summit Community Page.

If you have not registered for a VIP experience or booked your hotel room, please see below.

Upgrade to VIP Experience

If you want to have an extraordinary experience during Project Control Summit, upgrade your registration to the VIP Experience. The VIP Pass will include access to a whole extra level of Project Control Summit goodness! Upgrade Now!

Book Your Hotel Room

Stay at The Westin Riverwalk hotel while attending the Project Control Summit. We have reserved a limited number of spacious rooms at a highly discounted group rate that you don’t want to miss! Act now and book your hotel room before they are sold out. Book Now!


50% Complete

Two Step

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